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What do remedial builders do?
There are many kinds of builders around but not all are the same.
Carpenters build structures with timbers. Plumbers install, repair and maintain pipes and drainage. Bricklayers, as the title suggests, lay brick. And underpinners focus on the stabilisation of residential structures.
All builders possess a depth and breadth of knowledge that helps them carry out their specific roles in the construction process.
But if you’re looking for a special kind of builder with a huge amount of top-level knowledge about building construction, look no further than your remedial builder.
Remedial builders focus on remedial repairs
Unlike most builders, remedial builders don’t focus on getting hands on. They don’t lay brick, underpin or create structures with wood. On the rare occasion they get hands on, but more often than not, they don’t.
Instead of getting into the granular elements of any given building project, remedial builders, oversee projects. These projects focus on the maintenance of buildings from both a structural and aesthetic point of view.
Remedial builders take care of your building’s footing, facade and everything up to the roof.
What do remedial builders oversee most of the time?
To do their job effectively, a remedial builder would have gathered years or even decades of experience. They would have worked as a carpenter, plumber, underpinner or another kind of builder for a long time before becoming a remedial builder.
This depth and breadth of experience and knowledge lets them engage with a variety of functions in maintaining the structural integrity of your structure.
Organise underpinners
If your building is sinking, it may need underpinning to stop it sinking further. A remedial builder will get the right people together to do this. In the past, remedial builders would have opted to use concrete but progressive, forward thinking remedial builders now choose polyurethane underpinning as a solution.
Manage plumbers
A reason your building is sinking could be because of oversaturation of the ground. A remedial builder will want to know exactly why so they’ll call in plumbers to analyse the ground. They’ll expect plumbers to locate and mark water mains, gas lines, sewer and stormwater drains before diagnosing the correct solution.
Oversee facade reparations
As your building ages, your brick facade could begin bending, leaning, bowing or even cracking. Or become overcome with moisture and mould. Mortar joints may begin crumbling. And arches and lintels above windows and doors could begin failing.
A remedial builder will find the source of the problem, then have a team utilise remedial wall ties and crack stitches to straighten up the walls. If mortar joints aren’t up to scratch, a remedial builder will oversee the repointing of the walls. If the walls are overcome with moisture, the walls will be injected with solvent or silicon based solution. And lintels and arches will be repaired or replaced.
Supervise roof reparations
Over time, roofs can leak due to cracks or even rotting of the wood. A remedial builder will identify why cracks in the roof have appeared. If it’s subsidence, a remedial builder will use polyurethane injections to stop the sinking, lift your home and stabilise the structure. If it’s because of rotting wood, they’ll oversee reparations by carpenters.
Does your home need remedial repair?
At Buildfix, we specialise in the remedial repair of residential buildings.
If your home has wall cracks, failing lintels, walls that lean or a failing roof our specialist structural engineers can help.
If you suspect your home is sinking, we underpin using our very own proprietary polyurethane injection solution, GeoPoly™.
Our house inspections are FREE. Just give us a call on 1300 854 115 to book your FREE inspection today.