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Polyurethane and its amazing, far-reaching applications
Polyurethane was invented in the 1930s by German Industrial chemist, Dr Otto Bayer. He designed it as a substitute for rubber, a scarce material during World War 2 and was used on a limited scale as aircraft coating during the same war. Since its invention by Dr Bayer almost 90 years ago, the application of polyurethane has spread far and wide. It’s now an essential, cost-effective material for a wide variety of products, many of which sit right under our noses.
Read on to see how polyurethane has changed the way we live our lives.
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Building and Construction GeoPoly™
Want to know more about polyurethane or GeoPoly™?
Polyurethane is a truly amazing chemical. We revere its origin, history and the extent of its application in our modern world. If you want to know more about polyurethane or how we use it in the building and engineering industry, we’d love to tell you more.
Just give us a call on 1300 854 115 or book a FREE inspection today.