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Do I need a builder, engineer, or tradesman to repair my home?
Very often, we’re asked by homeowners whether they need a builder, engineer or tradesman to carry out structural repairs on their homes.
We can never say they need just one or the other because structural problems in homes are usually complex. Builders, engineers and tradesmen also offer different skills and solutions under different situations.
More often than not, help from all three parties or more are needed to diagnose and carry out solutions due to the variety of factors that contribute to structural problems.
Just getting a builder, engineer, or tradesman won’t be enough
Consider a situation in which a home is subsiding and wall cracks have begun appearing all over the house. To add insult to injury, rising damp is occurring in the basement due to an excess of moisture.
Firstly, a forensic structural engineer will need to come to your home to make an inspection to check levels and determine if your house is really subsiding. If your home does appear to be genuinely subsiding, the forensic structural engineer may call in a geotechnical engineer to test the soils and see if the ground is oversaturated. They’ll also determine the source of excess water.
Based on the findings of the geotechnical engineer, a design structural engineer will come up with a repair solution to alleviate pressure on house foundations, lift the house and get rid of damp. Ultimately, this will need to be implemented by a licensed builder. The licensed builder will then need to find tradesmen to follow through on the design structural engineer’s repair solution.
Buildfix makes the hassles of hiring builders, engineers or tradesmen disappear.
To eliminate the stress of hiring and managing all these people, Buildfix offers all of these structural repair experts under the one roof. We employ an in-house team of licenced builders, structural/civil engineers and tradesmen.
On top of having all of our own experts, we’ve designed our own proprietary techniques and technologies. We carry out structural repairs faster and more cost-effectively than anyone else.
If you’d like to learn more, we’d be happy to chat over the phone or come out to your home and inspect it at no cost.
Just give us a call on 1300 854 115 or book a FREE inspection today.